Details for March 31st:
For this month’s Storytellers’ Exchange, we’re going to talk about pricing. If you have ever struggled to work out:
Then this workshop might be right for you.
Note that no one will TELL YOU how much to charge – that will depend on you, your situation, where you live, and how much money you need or want to earn.
As part of this workshop, we’ll work through two templates that I have designed to help me price both my storytelling and communications services. The idea is for you to work out what is right for you. And of course, the templates are yours to use as you wish.
Format for the workshop:
We’ll have time for questions, sharing of ideas in smaller groups, and of course, some time for you to share what you plan to do to grow your practice/business in April. Because we all need a gentle kick up the bottom from time to time!!
This workshop won’t include a presentation of the storyteller pricing report because I need to get more folks to complete it – hopefully soon!
We believe that oral storytelling in the online environment won’t be going away any time soon, so we thought we’d organise a regular get-together for oral storytellers who want to network with like-minded tellers who understand that if you want to be a professional storyteller, it’s important to work out how to make storytelling viable – financially, emotionally, and more!
Think of this as a place to explore “the business side of being a professional storyteller”.
This is a facilitated event that will feature a monthly theme and opportunity to learn, breakout rooms and small group discussions, along with group sharing and reflections to benefit the group.
The format from March onwards will probably be 90 minutes, with 45 mins workshop/learning, and 45 minutes networking, but TBC.
Let’s co-create something special in the storytelling community!
Grab a cup of coffee, tea or simply a glass of water, and join our monthly Zoom call at 6pm CET (5pm GMT/12pm EST/ 9:30pm PST/4:30am Sydney).
About the organiser:
Our Storytellers’ Exchanges are organised and facilitated by Suzanne Whitby, known in the storytelling world by her stage name, Ziyadliwa. She is passionate about people, communication, connection, and of course, stories, and will be applying her facilitation and event-organising wizardry to make sure that events run smoothly and that each session sparkles!
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