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Story outlines & story “bones”

If you are a oral storyteller looking for the “bones” of a story, here are some of mine.

Looking for the bones of a story to tell orally? Wish granted!

Death in a Nut

A man visits a wise master and asks to become one of their students. The master pours a cup of tea and the student learns his first lesson.

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The Mustard Seed

A man visits a wise master and asks to become one of their students. The master pours a cup of tea and the student learns his first lesson.

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In your hands

A Zen tale that raises the question about the heavens and hells that we create for ourselves.

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Heaven and hell

A Zen tale that raises the question about the heavens and hells that we create for ourselves.

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Half a blanket

What do we owe our parents? This Irish tale, which is thought to have come from an old French fable, brings three generations together to answer the question.

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Empty your cup

A man visits a wise master and asks to become one of their students. The master pours a cup of tea and the student learns his first lesson.

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Fate of three fish (The)

A tale from the Panchatantra about three very different ways of coping with life’s little challenges. When fishermen come to a lake, three fish choose their own fate.

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Three pieces of advice

This tale appears to be Celtic in origin, and is classified by some as an Irish tale and by others as a Cornish tale. In it, a man has to choose between gold and good advice.

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